Even though I am going to do one workout associated with a movie every day for the next 90 days, I still plan to actually go to the gym to get in some cardio and weights as well. I am currently 382.2 lbs. on the home scale. My playing weight in college for football was 275-285 lbs. My ultimate goal is to get back around that weight or lower. I realize this will take more than 90 days, these workouts here are just to try to motivate me to do SOMETHING and to enjoy the world around me. I will also post any gym workouts and a weekly report of my weight from the home scale. This is more to motivate me than anyone who might happen to read. I feel that if I am putting it in writing for anyone to see, that might increase my motivation. I know I will never be as skinny (as if I was skinny in high school) as I was at prom (left) with Stacey Avery (Currently: Stacey Avery Snead). I just don't want to be as big as I am now (right) for the rest of my life.
You can do it! I'm so touched that I was able to inspire you. If you just stick to it everyday, you will begin to feel like you can't go a day without a workout. Best of luck to you!