Movie: THE 'BURBS (1989)
This was a fun movie to watch again. It stars Tom Hanks who just wants a quiet peaceful vacation at home. Basically he and some of his neighborhood friends start snooping around the new neighbors house because they suspect they are leading a cannibalistic cult. The comedy in this film is your typical Tom Hanks (A little bit of OVERACTING). It was enjoyable to watch and I will have to give it a rating of aaaa, because it was a very good movie in that it was probably funnier in the late 80's or early 90's, but the humor of Tom Hanks still stands up today. This movie also had the lovable Cory Feldman. His character was a nice addition to the cast that also had Carrie Fisher (Princess Liea). This is a movie that I recommend viewing if you haven't seen it, or view it again if it has been almost 20 years since you did before.
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